

Photography visible in these web pages and other galleries are by Vesa Leinonen.  The profile of vesa Leinonen can be viewed at Linked-In profile and the photographic work can be viewed Online at these digital image galleries.

Hi my name is Vesa Leinonen and I have been busy in photography and video, also adding other content to websites for the online storytelling. My favourite photography and video themes and topics are natural landscapes and regional food topics. My background is in the food industry as a Chef so I have a natural affinity to local farmers markets, local produce, regional and traditional food preparation customs.  The nature provision to continue to provide plants and food ingredients by the nature natural cycles is a major denominator if the scheme of things, without it there is not much else left in the past history of human food preparation and resources.  Natural food resources should be respected and valued, nature’s contribution to humanity is often underestimated and undervalued. All foods are alive at some stage, there is always a tremendous sacrifice to any food being enjoyed, no matter where you look, at what aspect, and what species of the ingredients. A living thing, a plant, bears fruit and gives up that fruit for others to enjoy. Mammals and fish give up their very life, so that some else gets to enjoy a delicious meal, and live another day.  Much can be gained by reflecting on the life of a plant, be it a vegetable or a fruit, consider the bilberry plant that grows and survives, year after year, dependant on what the mother nature dishes out per each season, be it rain, hail, snow and frost, lean years and abundant years with the right conditions for growth and fruit bearing. And each summer it matures the fruit and give it up for other species to enjoy year after year. To say the least about plants, plant life cycles and survival is often very much programmed to provide for other species.


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Seasonal changes.

Skiing & snowboarding.

Canoe Teno River.

Nordic Berry Season.

Thank you for your time in visiting this website and viewing the Facebook VESA LEINONEN PHOTOGRAPHY page.

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To the Arctic environment